
Tips 5 Photography Mental Health Effect's For Your Hobby

today I want you to touch on something on a subject which is very well publicized at the moment and it's also affected me it's mental health. I about 18 months a year ago had a little dip in my mental health I've got no nothing happened. I don't know why I was feeling the way I was feeling but I credit photography partially for getting me out of the valley that I was in so I've come up with five ways that photography.

Can help and not just help but improve and also nurture your mental health I wanted to share those with you today so let's not beat around the bush I've given them all individual titles so they're easier slightly easier to remember

1. Starting Over
starting over Photography is a great way to actually get you out house but it doesn't really matter what you kept you on the camera itself so often I'll come out with the camera I'll just put the camera down I'll just stop just sit down and just take in my surroundings what I mean by starting over is ridding yourself of that anxiety if it's anxiety or depression or whatever part of mental health.

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You're struggling with the photography side of it doesn't really matter that the photography pulls you out and gets you into the outdoors where you can listen to these surroundings take them in and sometimes just breathe just concentrate on that breathing hopefully you can rebalance yourself and then go forward with a more concentrated mind

2. focus
when I say focus I mean focusing when you're doing different types of photography if you're a landscape photographer you'll be concentrating on a certain subject and looking at the light and waiting for the opportune moment for the best light with that subject if you're on a street photography shoot you might be a bit more in tune with the street trying to listen to what's going on around you so you can capture the story of the street through that shot so your mind is in tune with what's going on in the present not full of worry and negative thoughts.

3. constant/going out every week
a constant when I say a constant as well as meaning going out every week or on a specific day and making photography if it works for you part of your weekly routine I also mean the gear that you use I tend to use the same lens it's quite a lot but I also keep you've probably seen from my leg of photography I tend to keep a Lego figure in my back all the time because if there's nothing else to shoot if I'm uninspired.

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I can take it back to basics and get my macro extension tubes out and take a picture of all I go figure somewhere in whatever surroundings I'm in but also having a constant place to go back to so many times I've spoken to photographers who were running spired and that is a struggle that struggle can weigh on your mental health quite a bit so having a favorite place where you can always go back to I think is a really really good thing to do.

4. community 
community they say there's nothing like bad or life-changing news to find out who your real friends are and unfortunately I find out the hard way and I started telling friends about my mental health issues quite a number of them steps away but that's fine that's how they that's how they dealt with it and managed it they're still friends however who really stepped up was the photography community you guys Facebook groups but also meeting people in real life people need people like.

I've said in a previous vlog and stuff I instameets photo walks on the events that I've ringed previously and will continue to run hopefully free events where people can just come along meet like-minded people and talk about a passion that you both have I think it's great and it helps not only get you out but also have a support network which even if you're just talking about photography it helps because it stops you thinking about other things which i think is a great thing to do so thank you everyone who has helped me over the past year.

5. journey 
I want to make is the journey so often we focus on the end goal in this case its photography so the end goal is a photograph but the therapeutic part of it is the journey how we get there the process of attaining that image getting out looking around being at one with nature.

I read some research that says the positive effects of being out in nature so going for a walk can last and stay with you for up to seven hours so that can set you up for the date that can possibly set you up overnight if you have night issues so yeah hopefully some of these points resonate with some people I know some of them overlap and it's probably not five individual points but as I say I hope it helps someone out there you can learn more about my story I'm more than happy to tell people.

Jika hidup mu blur, maka putar lah lensa mu ke arah fokus

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