
TOP SECRET 5 Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Photography With Smartphone

today I will be talking about how to improve your photography with your smartphone. Smartphones are becoming better and better at making photos and are extremely handy because they are so compact and you can carry them around all the time so whenever you feel like making a picture you can of course there is still a big difference when it comes

to real cameras making pictures but sometimes you can barely tell the difference so let's talk on how to make some awesome pictures with your smartphone so you can post some amazing photos of your journeys online by the way if you're interested in following my photography or behind the scenes.
alright, number one for making better photos a smartphone comes with a standard lens and depending on the phone you might have a decent quality lens or a bad quality lens I for example have the sensing s 8 plus which is absolutely amazing and making photos for a smartphone it's incredible but if you try to vary some kind of lenses that you can find online to improve your photo

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styles for example I have these lenses from pancakes which you can check out with link in the description they're actually really inexpensive and amazing it comes with a new case for your phone where you can mount your lenses to they have a lot of variation when it comes to smartphone cases for different phones

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the lenses allow you to zoom in to get a different type of view without the quality loss of a digital zoom which is really cool for example the biggest difference is this zoom lens which looks absolutely badass if you ask me it allows me to zoom in at an extreme amount like you can see in the examples right now of course the edges get distorted a little bit but I kind of like the style so it doesn't really bother me that much then I have this wider lens which widens my field of view and this fisheye lens

which is really popular for sports like skateboard videos it gives that closeby feel which is cool and depending on the style you want to go for alright so tip
number two try to shoot raw and professional mode if your smartphone allows it for this you will need some knowledge on how a camera actually works because the professional Motor app that you will be using for more manual settings is comparable to the settings of the real camera so you will have to know what is au aperture and shutter means before using these settings of course shooting raw means

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that the photo you take will consist of more information than what you see on your image meaning that if you would like to manipulate your photo afterwards you will be able to pull back more information than a regular g-pack photo

for example if you have an overexposed area in your photo with a normal photo you won't be able to fix this with a rock photo you will be able to pull back all that information so it doesn't look overexposed and your sky for example will still look awesome
number three use some glasses or any kind of thin glass to finalize your shot or to actually make sure that your image doesn't get overexposed like when you're shooting on a sunny day with an overexposed sky use your sunglasses in front of your lens and you should get a better image you can also try our kind of glass and put it in front of your lens it's going to change the style dramatically and you can get some really creative shots this way.
number four is to take care of composition and lighting I know this is pretty basic and this has nothing to do with your smartphone but knowing how to compose an image is actually a make or break of your photo if it's an amazing composition with great lighting it could actually look like a professional photo

made with a camera so try to shoot on sunsets sunrises these are the absolute most important times of the day so learn all about composition and lining make sure you don't make your photos in a dark situation because smartphones can't handle the dark that well try to send close to a window when photographing.

 inside so you are well lit if you happen to shoot on the street and the evening for example try to find a street light and use that as a source of light to light your subject and these small things are all going to brighten up your images and it's going to make a look a lot more professional
number five is to use an app to edit your photos afterwards all the professional photographs added their photos I prefer to use Lightroom which allows you to make your photos really really stunning especially if you're editing them raw photos all right so that's it on how to improve your photographic game using only your smartphone I hope you enjoy

Jika hidup mu blur, maka putar lah lensa mu ke arah fokus

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