
Tips The Strobist Photography Off Camera Flash

Festival in New York City with some tips for people thinking about getting into small flash photography okay tips number one, TTL versus manual here's the thing people think TTL is automatic and easy and people think manual is difficult and difficulty you just approach your adjustments in different ways with manual you have consistency with TTL you have mobility depending on which of those things is more important to you you might choose manual TTL

Me I'm a manual guy so when should you consider stepping into flash you asking the wrong guy because I'm gonna tell you as soon as you have a camera in your first lens that's a great time to start using flash and here's why your first lens gives you a frame of you whether it's a 35 or a 50 or a kit zoom that kind of gives you your visual your horizontal for the world lighting can allow you to do so many things with that for instance

I could take a camera and a lens and lights and build a career on that much easier than I could a camera and 23 lenses plus the bang for your buck lighting is so inexpensive compared to buying more bodies and more lenses it will give you so much more per dollar spent than you can just on buying more lighting or more camera here so where does your flash go where the manufacturers want you to put it right here and the hot shoe on top of the camera that is literally the worst place to put your flash there is no three-dimensional relief there's no shadows

created by that other than like really ugly shadows if someone's against a wall you basically have the light of a Xerox machine what you want is to get your camera and your flash just separate that separate vision of the light and the camera gives you shadows and three-dimensionality it helps to define the shape of your subject almost anyplace other than on your camera is a better place for your light getting your light off your camera is a big step in learning

how to amp up the quality of your pictures alright here's a secret that you might not figure out until you've been doing this for a little while with off-camera lighting we go out in the world and we think of light and we see light everywhere we're walking around at night in the evening in the morning and midday almost never white it's white it here's.

Jika hidup mu blur, maka putar lah lensa mu ke arah fokus

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