

Why Always Me | Why is it always Me that's who often terbesit on the human mind and anyone that's smart or not. According to me Why Always Me | Why always I was given to mankind and a special grace given to each person he gives.

Why Always Me | Why I Always happen to every time we and the happenings in hadapkan on two things. a good/great incident or occurrence that bad/shit/apes.

can conclude with the two above opinions Why Always Me | Why is it always me and feel the taste of the different feels.

Why Always Me | Why is it always Me every good/nice events occur when reaching for success/builds on work environment/tongkrongan/community/virtual world. the reaction of a man who gets Why Always Me | Why always I good/good will feel the happiness level 10 + and time expired only 1 week only.

Why Always Me | Why always I Genesis bad/shit/apes is an example of the nature of a desperate/pessimistic/slackers and live from underprivileged families who do not want to change his life even better for the future.

and a sense of Why Always Me | Why is it always Me bad/shit/apes can occur when your decline in, in selingkuhi girlfriend, fails in search of work, etc. his solution is only one of Why Always Me | Why always I shit/apes/bad. IE accepts apayang obtained the incidence of bad luck last and forgiving someone who has provided the genesis for us.

and always thanks to what has been in the get what you wish to get don't ngeluh and kept trying to merubaha life be the Knight in black armor. Instead it deh. change a life more memorable later. #penjualcabekiloan.

Jika hidup mu blur, maka putar lah lensa mu ke arah fokus

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