

I don't know why when I saw this mail from gmail and of his letter of this special from google. because this is what is expected by the imers or publisher indonesia. when I saw the letter from google adsense this sudden adrenaline rush I instantly changed the spirit, more than words I love you, I miss you or I need you. hhe..

they said I am always lazy around the house without a clear job in real life, so also the supposition of the neighbors when there are people in his seeking of sustenance through online. just looks like the devil.

when they said I do not have a clear future for the future later, and I'm proof right in the near future with a couple bucks of the internet it is real and can make more time with your family,.

a love letter from google adsense I get in quite a long time, I play google adsense start from the known and tried in 2009, I used to search for articles through the cafe and within a few days google adsense I was approved by google, and an interval of one day and instantly replace day google adsense I suddenly banned google and because I don't know why and why google block your google adsense account I.

dreams I'm in year 2018 and I make the target of google adsense I could produce 7 million per month (aminn ya rabb) and facilitated to make useful articles from the experience I play the internet marketing... greetings imers

Jika hidup mu blur, maka putar lah lensa mu ke arah fokus

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